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Shen and Spiritual Health

Integrating Energetic Subtle Energy & Soul

Imagine your body as a circuit board.

Proper alignment ensures energy flows right.

If we're misaligned, we might disrupt or even stop the energy current. The secret is standing with feet shoulder-width apart, heels slightly out, knees bent, and hips forward.

That's how we get our energetic structure in shape.

Now let's talk spirit, Ancient Chinese Medicine style. Picture your spirit or soul stored in your heart.

They believe in five types of spirit minds branching off from a central spirit. These spirits are spread across the five yin organs, each contributing uniquely to our well-being.

Let's spotlight the Shen, the first of the five spirits.

It's the hub of our humanity and the origin of all other spirits.

It's crucial for our consciousness, self-awareness, and interaction with the world.

Governed by the heart, the Shen weaves together our psyche and emotional life, impacting our values, morality, and wisdom.

The state of our Shen influences our mental health.

When the Shen is vibrant, it shines through our consciousness and emotional stability.

However, disturbances in the Shen can lead to cloudy thinking, erratic behavior, and social issues.

Physical symptoms like leg tremors could hint that our body isn't ready for higher energetic charges.

My mentor, Peng, shares how practicing Qigong is a practical way to help build energetic capacity.

It's like upgrading from a AAA battery to a 9V one.

Our bodies need to gradually improve to hold more energy.

Strength training and proper alignment help our bodies become better vessels for this energy.

To sum it up, understanding the Shen in Traditional Chinese Medicine gives us a 360-degree view of our physical and mental health. It shows how our body, spirit, and mind are all interconnected.

By aligning our physical structure and nurturing our energetic bodies through practices like Qigong, we can lead a balanced and vibrant life.

Stay tuned for more enlightening discussions on the other facets of spirit in TCM. Until then, love and light.

XO Kassandra

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