The Growth Guild
Seed Your Success
How the Endocannabinoid System Keeps Female Hormones in Ebb and Flow Versus Push and Pull

How the Endocannabinoid System Keeps Female Hormones in Ebb and Flow Versus Push and Pull

On today’s podcast, we welcome the PROFOUND, Dr. Feice Gersh.

I’ve followed Dr. Gersh’s research around women’s hormones, PCOS and now her incredible insights around the relationship between Estrogen and the Endocannabinoid System.  

Many women are lost in their journey of hormone health, but more than anything the beauty of living in the alignment of our circadian rhythms that help our endocrine and fertility (no matter if you want a baby or - not) in balance.  

While taking CBD or Marijuana may seem like an easy - hit answer, it may not be. Specifically when we talk about Marijuana.  Dr. Gersh does an incredible job of weaving together what we now “newly” know about the Endocannabinoid System, and it’s critical importance as it works with estrogen, our microbiome, bone health, mental health and so much more. 

I’ve owned an organic salon for over 15 years, create my own natural product line and love educating women about the importance of hormone health with a functional medicine perspective - so Felice and my passion for women are in alignment.  Especially for young women and their growing daughters.

About Felice Gersh

Dr. Gersh is a rare combination of a Board-Certified OB/GYN who also integrates and is trained in Integrative Medicine. 

Her career has evolved over the years into one which utilizes the most cutting-edge diagnostic testing, while incorporating science-based therapies – from the herbal to the surgical – to assist in the healing process. 

Adept in all areas of women’s health, Dr. Gersh is especially renowned for her expertise in the hormonal management of women, with a unique specialization in PCOS, which affects 1 in 10 women. She also approaches the female aging process in a holistic manner, comprehensively addressing the negative impact of sleep disturbances, pharmaceuticals, environmental toxins, nutrient and hormonal deficiencies, gut microbiome imbalances, and chronic stress.

On Today’s Episode You’ll Awaken to:

  •  Estrogen direct relationship with the ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM

  • The myriad roles played by the endocannabinoids in the female body 

  • How the endocannabinoid system impacts all reproductive, emotional, cognitive, and immune functions of women

  • The dangers and potential benefits of cannabis use by women 

  • How Anandamide has an ovarian function whereby it helps in the maturation and release of the egg during ovulation (fertility) to activating the ECS for the regulation of emotions.  

  • How symptoms of menopause may arise from reduced endocannabinoid activity.

  • Osteoporosis and how Estrogen prevents bone resorption (the breakdown of bone tissue being released into the blood causing calcification of the body). 

  • How bone is not static. Osteoporosis drugs prevent bone turnover (frozen bone) so it looks thicker short term.  

  • How we want bone to be eaten and laid down as a process.  

  • Why diabetics have higher rates of Osteoporosis due to ECS deficiency. 
    Why to avoid birth control pills if you want to deter osteoporosis, cancer and an aging brain. 

  • Perimenopause women are the largest users of CBD due to higher rates of sleep, anxiety and autoimmune disease. 

  • How critical the gut microbiome is and how it is the creator of hormones, endocannabinoids and neurohormones. 

  • How just resetting the the circadian rhythm can get you back into balance and fertile by this simple action.

  • Dr Gershes new book on infertility and PCOS and how it relates to all women!


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Love and Light! - Kassandra

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The Growth Guild
Seed Your Success
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