The Growth Guild
Seed Your Success
Too good to be true? New Paths & Predictions with the Wood Dragon | 2024

Too good to be true? New Paths & Predictions with the Wood Dragon | 2024

Hello lovers!

I truly hope you’ve been a

A Fond Farewell as we enter the ELEMENTS of WOOD and the DIVINE DRAGON

I’m so excited to share this MUCH NEEDED POSITIVE FORCASTING insights on the powerful dragon archetype and 2024 spiritual predictions.

The mystical dragon,

a female matriarch,

symbolizes the birthing of a new world.

A Time of Great Change:  Claiming Your Power and Purpose  with Dragon Energy Rising

Imagine a magnificent creature hatching something new – a symbol of our collective evolution.

Embrace the changes, as 2024 is marked as a pivotal year in this grand cosmic cycle.

The dragon's symbolism aligns with the transition from 3D to 5D dimensions.

This feminine matriarch guides us through a profound journey of spiritual awakening. Let go of the old to make room for the new!

Stepping into conscious community is a key theme.

The dragon encourages us to connect, collaborate, and build tribes.

It's the beginning of a 12-year cycle focusing on feminine energies, spiritual families and conscious connections.

The dragon's energy signifies the start of a solar cycle.

I have a sense with this WOOD that evokes FIRE, will create a surge in solar activity, prompting personal and planetary veils thinning.

This is not a fear-driven journey but an invitation to embrace cosmic changes.

The dragon embodies the full spectrum of feminine energies – from loving kindness to warrior strength.

Let’s dive into some additional details and how to integrate them into your life.

May this encourage you to proclaim your heart, mind and Sovereignty.

Trust the process, let go of what no longer serves, and welcome the unexpected.

PS: Remember to get grounded on your true nature and gifts with the 
Flow Frequency Assessment to clarify your core elemental archetype!

You can grab it for FREE HERE! There is a masterclass and guide for you. ♥️

Ancient Equation for Your Soul's Travels to Your
Life's Path Astrology Number  


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Seed Your Success
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